Excerpts from Erotica Writer's Group.


Excerpts from Erotica Writer’s Group.

What a wonderful night! The Erotic Writers group – which has grown – met yesterday and the evening was filled with fascinating stories, great critiquing, and lots of laughter. Thank you all for sharing thoughts and ideas; you never cease to amaze me! 

The next Erotic Writers Group is on July 15. Let me know if you are coming! Reply or write to lauren.tallman@gmail.com for more information.

Pattie Sue LaRue I LOVE this group. I applied the changes that Shane suggested & it flowed much better. Andres Fragoso Jr. forgot to return the copy so I’m not sure if I caught all of his suggestions, but the story is vastly improved! Thanks to all!!!

A portion of my writing for tonight’s Erotic Writers meeting:It was after another night of love that the camp was attacked. Horrible men, rival gypsy opponents, came rushing into the cabin. Amid the noise of the onslaught, they brutally carried us outside, taking the Dark Gypsy to the far side of the camp. They beat him mercilessly and dragged his limp body away. The sweaty men stood around me by a campfire and laughed at my nakedness. I trembled, unable to defend myself and without my lover to protect me. The men touched, grabbing handfuls of my thighs and rear. Several wanted to suck a breast, shoving one another, in reach for the treat. I shook them off as best I could, all the while looking high above the marauder’s heads, trying to see if my Dark Gypsy was still alive. I struggled to be let free but they allowed me no respite.
Waves of light behind me proved that our cabin had been set on fire. All of our gypsies had been driven away but none were hurt nor their property damaged. It became quite clear that the Dark Gypsy and I were the only ones to be taken.
The Brown Woman stood, unafraid, near the Chief of the horrible men. She gasped with laughter while pointing to me. Someone put a cloth over my eyes, tied my hands behind my back and threw me over their shoulder. I was taken away, never to smell the spices or fire of this camp again.
Come to our next meeting on July 15!