Membership Dues

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Membership Dues are coming up August 1, 2014 for the upcoming year.  Please go or

We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting, we have many great events coming up.  Please check the HWG blog and newsletter on the webpage for all new information.  Membership includes:  Promotional opportunities, reading and critiquing, all guest speakers, conference discount of $50.00 off, so it pays for itself.  Best of all, you have the support of like minded fellow writers, authors and invaluable connections and education on perfecting your craft no matter what Genre’.

2 thoughts on “Membership Dues”

  1. I want to take out a membership. I have not yet found the membership sign-up on your page. Please advise.
    Linda Wong

    • Linda,
      Thank you for the inquiry. Please go to our writers group website and sign up for membership at
      Once you are a paid member of the Henderson Writers Group then you can go back to the conference website and sign up/pay for conference club payments. 
      I hope this helps.
      Dave – Club Webmaster

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