First Page Read

The First Page Read is a long-standing tradition of the Las Vegas Writer’s Conference.

For a $5 donation to our Student Saturday Scholarship Fund, your First Page (usually the first page of a novel) is given a drawing number. During Lunch and Dinner on Friday, we will draw numbers and read the corresponding first page to a panel comprised of our agents/publishers/acquisition editors. They will each raise a hand at the point they’d stop reading your first page. Comments then follow on why they raised their hands.

You may submit more than one first page. You may submit a first page more than once.

All funds raised from the First Page Read go toward Student Saturday Scholarships, an opportunity for high school students from Clark County, NV, to attend the conference on Saturday at no charge.

Please note: An entry into the First Page Reads is no guarantee that your page will be selected and read to the panel.

How to Enter Your Page(s):

Manuscript format: 1 inch margins, double spaced, Times or Times New Roman, 12 point font. Please include title,  genre, a one sentence log line in the Header. Please do not include your name on your first page. All submissions MUST be in PDF file format.

You may submit early by paying online (link below) and then sending the PDF via email to: OR, you can pay for and submit your First Page Reads at the conference (visit the Conference Bookstore).