Call For Submissions From Writer's Relief

From: Ronnie L. Smith, President, Writer’s Relief, Inc.

RE: Deadline Thursday, June 22

Here’s my personal invitation: Submit your work for our consideration TODAY.

We want to add a few new clients to our list. We are accepting work in the following genres only: novel/memoir, poetry, and short prose (fiction or personal essays). Please do not send children’s books or poetry collections. Thursday, June 22, is the deadline.

Hire us to do the research and the legwork involved in making submissions, and you’ll have more time to write. We have a service for every budget. However, entering our Full Service client list does require Review Board approval, and fewer than 20% of applications are accepted, so send your strongest work.

Submit your work today using our quick and easy online form. Click this link:

Deadline for submissions is Thursday, June 22.

Admission to our client list is by invitation only, so please send your best writing. Please note: Not all work is accepted.

Submission guidelines may be found at this link:

We’ve been helping creative writers find the best markets for their work for over 20 years. If your writing is strong, we may be able to help you too.

QUESTIONS? Give us a call today.

We look forward to reading your writing sample!


Ronnie L. Smith
President, Writer’s Relief, Inc.
(866) 405-3003 (toll-free)

P.S. Whether or not our reviewers send an invitation to join our client list, every writer who applies to our Full Service will receive a FREE copy of our digital workbook, The Goal-Oriented Writer: How to Define and Organize Your Writing Goals, once they’ve submitted work for Review Board consideration. We love this workbook, and we think it will help you become a better writer.

P.P.S. This is a great time of year to get started. The majority of agents and editors in our database read through the summer months. Regular submissions = more acceptances. Submit your strongest writing samples to our Review Board today, and we’ll find the best markets most likely to be interested in accepting your work. Deadline is Thursday, June 22.

If you have already submitted for this Review Board call, we thank you. Our readers will respond to your submission shortly.

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“A deadline puts you up against the wall. That’s how I do all my writing. If I don’t have a deadline from someone else, I make a deadline.” ~Natalie Goldberg

“Make your characters live, make them real. If your readers do not empathize with your characters, your story, no matter how clever, must surely fail. Make them love your characters or hate them. Let the reader be envious of them or repelled or fascinated; but make the reader believe. There is only one way to do that: YOU must believe.” ~Sidney Sheldon