Anthology deadline approaching

For members of the HWG who are considering submitting to the annual anthology, the deadline for submissions on Writer’s Bloc 8 is fast approaching. You have until midnight of October 31, 2016. Rules are below:

What to Submit:
Your best one (1) edited work of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or a teaser from your novel
How to Submit:
Email your completed submission to —
HWG Secretary Audrey Balzart at
Formatting Guidelines
No more than 4,000 words
Word document (Word 97-2003 or later, electronic format only)
One (1) inch margins all around
Times New Roman or Courier 12 pt font
Work should include a Header with the Work Title and Page Numbers (may include author’s name)
Cover page with:
Author’s Name
     Title of Work
     Type of work (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, teaser)
     Word count
The cover page can be part of the work’s document or a separate Word document—NOT just in the body of the email.  Do not add the words from the cover to the work’s overall word count.
Submissions not following these guidelines will be returned and can be resubmitted if they meet the deadline.