Hallowe'en fun

This is your reminder about Spooky Story Night. It will be held Friday, Oct. 23, 6pm, at Darrah’s home. Cost is $10 per person and benefits the HWG. Remember, this is YOUR group and it needs your support.

The fun of the evening will be the Spooky Story Contest. Submit a piece of Flash Fiction, which will be read aloud. Those present will vote for the one they like best. Three prizes will be handed out, and then all stories will be included in an anthology published through CreateSpace. But, of course, there are rules!

Submission Guidelines

  • Contestants must attend Spooky Story Night event in order to be entered.
  • Entries cannot exceed 500 words.
  • Only one entry per person.
  • All entries must be e-mailed to Alba at aarango@cox.net, with SPOOKY STORY NIGHT as the subject heading, no later than Wednesday, October 21.
  • Entries limited to first 20 stories submitted. (first come, first serve)

But wait…there’s more. (Didn’t think we’d make it that easy, did you?) To be considered, each piece MUST contain the following ten words somewhere in the story:

spooky               dungeon          zombie             graveyard        skull         jack o’ lantern    glowing           cauldron          phantom          Henderson Writers’ Group