Why Douglas Devy writes science fiction or fantasy as a genre?



Why write science fiction or fantasy as a genre? Because the “sky’s not the limit.” If the story opens on page one with a scene on the planet Zenon, where the natives are in a particular quandary about the fate of time travel, or invisibility, or the latest technology based on Quantum Mechanics, or anti-gravity, or hyperspace,  or anything else where imagination can boldly go from accepted scientific theories . it’s usually called science fiction; regular people in unusual circumstances. If the characters  ca  use magic to alter accepted natural laws, .then it’s fantasy.

The HWG anthologies have published a couple of my short stories.” The Oracle” took my love of ancient civilizations into a unique experience with the Oracle of Delphi.  The “Dyatilov Pass Incident” drew from some of my parapsychology experiences to write a story about a true unknown mystery from the Urals of Russia.  “Out of the Corner of my Eye,”  is a  story based on government studies on “meta materials” They wrap light around you so you only see the wall behind…..invisibility, anyone? One of my 6 novels, “The Third Boat Pit” combines archeological finds with research from “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean.”.

I write in these territories because this is what I know. My mind never wanted to be limited. My grandfather had a bookcase of National Geographics (ancient civilizations and topless native women.) Comic books and super heroes gave way to paperbacks of Ray Bradbury, Frank Herbert,. Star Trek, Outer Limits,  and  Twilight Zone were there. Then the 60’s exploded with themes of reincarnation, UFO’s, meditation, and mind alternating experience.

As I see it, science fiction, fantasy, metaphysics, and imagination make an easy tapestry for a writer to weave his story.

Hope this helps

Douglas A. Davy

2 thoughts on “Why Douglas Devy writes science fiction or fantasy as a genre?”

  1. I can definitely agree that fantasy and sci fi have their own flavors. Magic is a wonderful blend and more imaginative. Keep up the good work!

  2. I’ve read several of Doug’s stories and I’ve never been disappointed. He’s imaginative, creative and compelling. My wish for him would be to give time to write more.

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